Vote for London Bridge initiatives in the Local Project Challenge


Team London Bridge is excited to announce that our Orchard Lisle Living Wall and Bikes for Business initiative have been shortlisted in the Local Project Challenge, alongside an inspiring selection of projects which aim to accelerate global sustainable development goals.

About the Local Project Challenge

The Local Project Challenge shines a light on projects which push the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. LCP recognise that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.

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How to Vote

We believe that these projects have made an incredibly positive impact on the London Bridge community and hope that others across the globe can adopt them to make an impact on a world-wide scale. Please VOTE for The Orchard Lisle Living Wall and Bikes for Business Initiatives by clicking the links below.

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Bikes for Business supports sustainable industry and innovation (SDG number 9), sustainable cities (11) and partnership (17). In particular, it shows how a new transport mode can help tackle the air quality crisis, and be almost zero-emission, while being good for business.


Orchard Lisle Living Wall

The Orchard Lisle Living Wall brings health (3), reuses water (7) and promotes biodiversity (15). It is an example of how a project can deliver multiple goals rather than just narrowly defined objectives of being pretty (which it is, of course!).

The projects will be on display at the World Urban Forum on 10-12 February, and announced there, alongside the International Panel Award. 

Former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon said: “I encourage you to share this important gallery with colleagues, fellow students, friends and family. I encourage everyone to ask how the SDGs can be incorporated in our daily lives. Their widespread adoption will help realize the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and create a more equal and livable future. To all who have taken this first step by submitting their projects to create this extraordinary resource, my warmest congratulations.”

At Team London Bridge, inspired by many of our businesses also taking action on SDGs, we will be embedding the SDGs into our work, whether linked to sustainability (where we will be trying to become a zero emission district), creating a good working environment, or being a responsible neighbour, and more information will be coming out in the Spring. 

Contact to find out more about these projects.